Frequently used terms and abbreviations

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  • AQAL: All Quadrants All Levels. A framework created by Ken Wilber. The quadrants are the individually subjective (e.g. thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations), the individually objective (e.g. behavior, demeanor, reactions), the collectively subjective (e.g. culture, shared worldview), and the collectively objective (e.g. social behavior, economy, science). Levels refer to stages of development e.g. egocentric, sociocentric, etc.
  • BIFL: Buy it for life. With careful selection, one can buy certain things once and use them for the rest of one's life.
  • Cook-Greuter: Susanne R. Cook-Greuter's extension of 'Jane Loevinger's work on adult ego development' which engages with many of the models mentioned in this list
  • Easterlin paradox: Higher incomes don't produce greater happiness over time.
  • E-ER: Extremely Early Retirement, different from ERE.
  • EOC: Economic Outpatient Care (from The Millionaire Next Door)
  • ER: Early Retirement (usually by age)
  • ERE: Originally Early Retirement Extreme but generally used to refer to anything related to the website, e.g. "ERE book". Subsequentially divided into ERE1 and ERE2.
  • ERE1: The subset of ERE that deals with individual economic resilience, still called "Early Retirement Extreme". The ERE book and the ERE blog is part of ERE1. See Jacob Lund Fisker's 'first talk on The Stoa'
  • ERE income robustness score: [1]
  • ERE2: The subset of ERE that deals with economically resilient individuals in a societal context, where ERE stands for "Emergent Renaissance Ecology". See Jacob Lund Fisker's second talk on The Stoa' and 'this thread' defining it.
  • FI: Financial Independence (not depending on a job or relatives for income)
  • FIRE: Financial Independence Retire Early
  • IR score: income robustness score. For each of your income sources, divide it by your total expenses. If the result is >1, limit to 1. Add up the results of the individual income/expenses divisions. This is your income robustness score. See also ERE_Indicator.
  • Heterotelic/Homeotelic: Goal setting in complex systems, see ERE book chapter 5.
  • JAFI: Jacob adjusted for inflation. Unit of spending, based upon Jacob Lund Fisker's 2007(?) yearly spending of 7000 USD, corrected for inflation. Example: "I live on 2 JAFI a year."
  • Kegan1-5: 5 stage model of ego development devised by Harvard psych prof Robert Kegan based on the spontaneous tendency to take someone's perspective. Roughly speaking, Kegan2 = first person perspective (mostly my self), Kegan3 = second person (mostly how I appear to you), Kegan4 = third person (mostly how you and I appear to an outsider), Kegan5 = fourth person (how outsiders [seeing you and me] appear to each other)
  • Cippolla's Laws of Stupidity: four quadrant model of human action categorized by combinations of win/loss to self/others. "Intelligent" people help others and gain from this themselves (win--win). "Bandits" take from others to benefit themselves (win--lose). "Helpless" people help others but are taken advantage of by them (lose--win). "Stupid" people cause damage to others and themselves (lose--lose).
  • MBTI: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. A 16-type personality inventory derived from psychological theorizing of Carl Jung by mother-daughter team Kathryn Myers and Isabella Briggs. Originally used as a practical tool to aid wartime career assignments. Subsequently used in business and intelligence work.
  • MHC: model of hierarchical complexity.
  • OCEAN/Big5: statistical measure of five personality traits: (O)penness to experience, (C)onscientiousness, (A)xtroversion (defined differently from MBTI), (A)greeableness, and (N)euroticism (negative emotionality) with answers given as a percentile on a bell curve. Also called OCEAN after the first letter of each dimension. Popular in academia.
  • RE: Retired Early (before traditional retirement age)
  • SD: Spiral Dynamics. An evolutionary model of societal and organizational development developed by Don Beck and Christopher Cowan based on the work of Clare Graves. There's an intro series of YouTube videos by Leo Gura ( Colors or so-called value-memes (vMemes) are used to represent various sets of values, societal manifestation, strengths and blind-spots. They are beige purple, red, blue, orange, green, yellow, and turquoise. Colors will occasionally be referred to as cold to refer to collectively oriented vMemes (purple, blue, green, turquoise) and warm to refer to individualistically oriented vMemes (beige, red, orange, yellow).
  • SWR: Safe Withdrawal Rate.
  • Ti, Te, Fi, Fe, Ni, Ne, Si, Se: Stack functions relevant to advanced MBTI. There's a forum thread with an introduction. Also see CAR model.
  • WL1-10: [ERE Wheaton Levels ]. A model of progressive perspectives based on the Wheaton Eco-scale but domain-specific to ERE1 and ERE2. Communication across 2+ levels is difficult. There are many pages of discussions and debate on this board as well as a chart.
  • WOG: Web of goals, see ERE book chapter 5.
  • YMOYL: Your Money or Your Life (see reading recommendations)
  • YOLO: You only live once